A takeaway and the flat above it in Merton have been shut down by police after both were being used as a brothel.

Police have also issued a second anti-social behaviour closure order in the same location.

They have said that it is thanks to support from the community that they were able to get to the stage where they could issue the closure notice.

Merton ward teams closed the venue down after the local community voiced their concerns.

The women who had been working in the brothel are now being safeguarded.

Another venue was also closed down following reports from the community of the area feeling unsafe.

Merton Council, Merton Police and the supporting housing landlord teams worked collaboratively to close a venue down which police have said was “causing issues locally”.

Both closures are being taken to court by police, with the aim of closing them down for three months.

Following this closure Merton Police aim to highlight its StreetSafe initiative.

StreetSafe was launched back in September 2021 by the Home Office with support from the NPCC’s Digital Public Contract Programme.

It enables the public to anonymously report areas in their community that feel unsafe to them.

Initially, it had been launched as a pilot to tackle violence against women and girls, but it is now a permanent feature for anyone to use.

Local sergeant, PS Peppitt said: “If the community tell us about problems, we will listen, we will work on it and where we can, we will get results.

“I want the community to tell me everywhere they don’t feel safe, so we can work on making the wards the safest places to be”.

Merton Police shared a statement on Facebook, they said: “Local ward teams recently closed down two venues in more brilliant work where the community spoke to us and we acted upon it.

“This has led to us closing a takeaway and a flat above that was being used for the purposes of prostitution.

“The initial reports and the continued community support is what allowed us to get to the stage where we can issue the notice, and made sure that the women working in the brothel have been safeguarded as best as possible.

“Following that, the teams issued a second ASB closure order, again with the support of the local community.

“Working with Merton Council, and the supporting housing landlord, teams were able to close a venue down causing issues locally.

“An initiative the local teams wanted to highlight also is ‘StreetSafe’.

“StreetSafe was launched in September 2021 by the Home Office with support from the NPCC's Digital Public Contact programme and enables the public to report, anonymously, areas they feel unsafe in their communities.

“It was initially launched as a pilot to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls but is now a permanent feature for anyone to use.”

“Both of these are going to court where we will seek to have them closed fully for a period of three months.”