Residents have been complaining about bad potholes on three roads in Bexley.

Potholes are detrimental as they pose safety risks, damage vehicles, and deteriorate road infrastructure.

These depressions in road surfaces result from wear and tear, particularly in regions with varying weather conditions.

Potholes can cause accidents by jolting drivers, leading to loss of control, and also inflict costly damage on vehicles, impacting suspension, tires, and alignment.

Reports published on the Fixmystreet website over the past month have found three roads especially to have bad potholes in the borough.

FixMyStreet is a website by mySociety that helps people inform their local authority of issues needing their attention, such as potholes, and broken streetlamps.

One report claims that a woman broke her ankle after falling down a pothole in Belvedere Road.

Pickford Road

A user on Fixmystreet said: “Over the last couple of months this pothole is getting deeper and wider.

"It is virtually impossible to avoid it as it’s in the middle of the road and it’s going to damage tyres soon when trying to turn into Rowan Road.”

Belvedere Road

A user said: “It’s been reported that there is a hole in the pavement on church road leading from the Broadway.

“The lady that is reporting has fallen down this hole 2 times and this time has broken her ankle.

“It looks as though the tarmac has got lots of water damage which has led it to sink and cause this issue.”

Princess Street

One user on Fixmystreet said: “There are a number of potholes.

“In addition, a mechanic yard recently opened and over the last few months there is limited access for delivery drivers residents and visitors and cars are just lined up along street.

“I number of people have had their cars damaged due to this over the last few months.”

Bexley Council has been approached for a comment.