The Eta Aquariids meteor shower is set to peak in the UK this week, which will give people in London an opportunity to catch a glimpse of it.

It is associated with Halley's Comet, which orbits the sun every 76 years, and the Orionids meteor shower which occurs around October.

Its name, like with most meteor showers, comes from the constellation in the night sky that it appears to radiate from.

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Royal Museums Greenwich says that it is named after the Aquarius constellation, but it is more specifically named after one of the stars in that constellation, Eta Aquarii.

When will the Eta Aquariids meteor shower peak?

Whilst the shower is active for over a month, between April 19 and May 28, it is set to peak as a whole on Saturday, May 6.

This will be between midnight and dawn on the day, which is expected to be around 4.45 am.

Where is best to see the Eta Aquariids meteor shower in London?

The website Go Stargazing has a list of spots on its website that you could travel to from London to see the meteor shower.

You will need to travel a little distance away from the region to have the best chance of seeing the shooting stars, as the light pollution is high.

If you lay down or sit to watch the shower, ensure your feet are facing southeast for the best view.

Additionally, make sure to turn off phones and torches 15 minutes before to allow your eyes to adjust to the darkness.