A furious driving instructor has claimed that a “dangerous” pothole in Thamesmead caused £500 worth of damage to his car.

Richard Green claims the damage to his Blue Vauxhall was caused by a pothole in the White Hart roundabout on Western Way on March 26.

The 62-year-old described how the road was in such a “poor” state that it damaged the car's wheels. 

News Shopper: Richard claims the damage was caused by this potholeRichard claims the damage was caused by this pothole (Image: Contributor)

Richard explained: “I was on the way to do a lesson to pick up a pupil for her lesson.

“As I went along central way turning right at roundabout and after exiting I just hit a massive hole.

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“I slightly swerved and luckily enough I was able to stop the car and pull over to the side.

“I then saw two of my wheels were flattened and had to call for help.”

News Shopper: Richard claims the damage was caused by this potholeRichard claims the damage was caused by this pothole (Image: Contributor)

After stopping on a “busy” road, Richard had to call an engineer to repair his tyres and was forced to cancel on his student.

Richard added: “I had to call someone to come and repair the tyres, which with the service charge cost me around £300 alone.

“I’ve also had to cancel on my student, which is another £100, and I’ve had to cancel more lessons because of it.

“So, I’d say the whole process has cost me just under £500.”

News Shopper: Richard claims the damage was caused by a potholeRichard claims the damage was caused by a pothole (Image: Contributor)

Richard says potholes can be dangerous for “less experienced” drivers especially for learners which can affect their confidence.

He worries for the safety of his students if councils do not take the issues of potholes “more seriously”.

Richard added: “All the council do is find a temporary solution for the potholes but once its starts snowing and raining it’ll open up again.

“There needs to be a permanent solution to keep the drivers and students safe on the roads.”

Richard has since criticised the state of the roads in his neighbourhood and is asking Greenwich Council for money on the repairs.

News Shopper: Richard claims the damage was caused by a potholeRichard claims the damage was caused by a pothole (Image: Contributor)

Richard explained: “I emailed Greenwich Council straight away with proof of repairs and the damages.

“All I’m asking for them to pay for the damages of the tyres at least.

“I haven’t had a response yet so I’m still waiting.”

The News Shopper has contacted Greenwich Council for a comment regarding the potholes in Western Way.