CHILDREN at a Bexley primary school have been finding out recycling can be fun as well as being serious.

Hook Lane Primary School, Faraday Road, Welling, celebrated Recycle Week with a day of events, organised by Bexley's School Waste Action Club.

Activities included making a giant banner from plastic bags and other rubbish, and making masks from items other people throw away.

Textile recycling company LMB explained the company's work and taught the children how to make and customise belts and other accessories from unwanted clothing.

The school, which already has an Eco School bronze award, also used the day to launch its food recycling scheme.

It already uses fruit waste from breaktimes to make compost for its wildlife garden.

Now all its food waste from school dinners will go into the brown food waste bins to be composted by Bexley Council.

Head teacher Elizabeth Morrison said: "We want to take a lead in showing how simple actions can be beneficial for all of us today and for future generations."