A mum from Sidcup has expressed her shock over finding “bugs” in baby food at the Orpington Aldi store.

Holly Cooling often buys Aldi’s Organic Mamia chicken paella to “keep in the cupboard for quickness” for her nine-month-old son Freddie.

And, while on maternity leave on October 28, Holly went to the Aldi store in Sevenoaks Way to pick some up.

She had picked a few of the pre-prepared meals up and put them in her basket, before she realised they were riddled with “bugs”.

News Shopper:

Holly, 27, told the News Shopper: “It wasn’t until I went to grab a couple more to put in my basket when I noticed the bugs.

“I immediately put them back on the shelf and called a member of staff over to show him.

“He then removed them from the shelf.

“I was completely shocked – because I had actually seen a Facebook post previously about another store having the same bugs.

“I couldn’t believed I had seen the same, especially as it was in the same product – baby food.

“I think Aldi has a serious issue at its warehouse that needs to be investigated."

Holly said she called Aldi’s customer service line, and she was asked which store it was before being told “sorry, have a good day.”

Aldi has said this is an isolated issue, and Holly has been apologised to for her experience.

An Aldi spokesperson said: "As soon as we were made aware of this isolated issue, we immediately removed any affected products from sale and disposed of them.

“We have apologised to Ms Cooling for her experience in store.”

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