With Super Bowl Sunday today, you may want to start planning where you are going to watch it live. 

And what better place is there to watch any sports game than in a local bar surrounded by fellow fans and great food and drink.

Across South East London there are a few spots where you can watch the big game and we've saved you a job by rounding them all up for you. 

So if you want to watch the Los Angles Rams and the Cincinnati Bengals go head to head take a look at the venus in South East London. 

Where to watch the Super Bowl in South East London: 


Super Bowl Live at Belushis Greenwich-

Watch the super bowl live and enjoy some American favorite past times including beer pong, cheerleaders, live music, and even a hot dog competition. 

Tickets start at £10 and can be brought via Design My Night. 

Super Bowl LVI Viewing Party-

Visit the TOCA Social in Greenwich and watch the big match surrounded by fellow fans, with private screens, games like Corn Hole, Beer Pong, and plenty of food and drinks. 

Tickets start a £10 and can reach £500 for a private room. 

You can buy tickets via the Design My Night Website.