Residents on a Deptford estate are living in “filthy” blocks, some with cockroaches, while the six caretakers responsible for cleaning have all tested positive for Covid-19.  

Members of the Pepys Estate caretaking team are now self-isolating after testing positive, but Lewisham Homes said their shifts have only been “partially covered”. 

The council’s building company said there has been an “impact on the cleaning service” as a result.  

But residents posted photos of the bins and “stained, dirty corridors” and said it’s been going on for “weeks on end”. 

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The blocks are “filthy” and haven’t been cleaned properly since the first lockdown, residents say, with caretakers asked only to clean ‘Covid touch points’, places that would be touched a lot like door handles.  

There are also ongoing fire safety works with drilling creating a lot of dust.  

Before Lewisham Homes took over the estate, it had more than four times the caretakers.  

Residents have also raised concerns after spotting some caretakers on the estate who were isolating.

The minimum isolation time after testing positive is ten days and people want clarity on the timescale.

A spokesperson for Lewisham Homes said: “Our caretakers are key workers and we have taken measures to help protect them and residents throughout the pandemic.  

“This includes making sure that government advice on self-isolation is followed. 

“Recently members of the Pepys Estate caretaking team contracted Covid-19 and others who work with them have been asked to self-isolate as a precaution.  

“We arranged for partial cover of these shifts but there has been an impact on the cleaning service we have been able to offer for the past ten days. 

“We have made sure that minimum duties (including fire safety checks) have been carried out throughout, and expect to be back to a full service by next week. 

“We have been in touch with the Tenants’ and Residents’ Associations to offer a joint inspection with the caretaking area manager.”