Primary school children have taken to the streets to educate parents about idling engines outside schools.

Pupils from Plumcroft Primary School were joined by adult volunteers outside the school gates ready to approach parents who were keeping their engines running while waiting.

Plumcroft is working with Greenwich Council as part of the London-wide Vehicle Idling Action behaviour change campaign in the hopes to reduce emissions in the surrounding area.

Reducing emissions and addressing current levels of nitrogen dioxide air pollution are key priorities for the council and it is looking at initiatives to improve air quality.

These include the introduction of car-free days in busy locations across the borough, low-emission areas for major regeneration sites in the Greenwich Peninsula, Millennium Village and more, as well as upgrading its fleet to reduce pollution contribution.

Cllr Denise Scott-McDonald said: “The more people we can educate about the impact that engine idling has on our health and the environment - the better.

"These action days are a great way to make you think about small steps we can take every day to improve our local air quality.

“Special thanks should go to the schoolchildren for their enthusiasm about this critical issue which will help us drive this message home.”