A children's hospice in Eltham is celebrating 10 years of providing specialist care and emotional support across south-east London.

Demelza Hospice Care for Children doesn't just provide care and support for children with terminal conditions, but for the families too, and so a celebration was definitely in order.

To celebrate, the hospice received a message of congratulations from long-term VIP supporter, Len Goodman.

Len said: “I’ve got to congratulate Demelza Hospice Care for Children in Eltham, you have done a fantastic job. Len salutes you!”

The Eltham hospice, which opened in March 2009, also offers help to those in Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Greenwich, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.

One such family is the Langford family from Bromley.

For parents Pippa and John, the elation of seeing their daughter born was short-lived when they witnessed their baby turning blue and put on to ventilation.

Tests revealed baby Phoebe had a rare disorder called Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome (CCHS), meaning her tiny body was unable to safely expel carbon dioxide when she slept.

The family were put in touch with Demelza but were initially reluctant to access the services on offer at the newly opened hospice.

John said: “We were a bit wary about visiting because of the word ‘hospice’. We didn’t know what to expect but once we were given a tour, we knew it would be perfect for Phoebe.

“The staff made us feel so welcome. Phoebe was lucky to be one of the first children to use the new services at Eltham just after it opened. For us as a family, it was a lifeline.”

Phoebe, who is now nine, said: “I like being able to do my own things. I like drawing pictures to take home in the art room, making slime or playing video games. I love baking and we’re going to make cupcakes next time I visit.”

Demelza is reliant on the local community through fundraising and volunteering to be able to continue providing care to local children with terminal conditions and their families.

The anniversary will be marked by a series of events at the hospice, a Parliamentary reception at Westminster and a gala ball on the Cutty Sark in June.

Demelza’s VIP supporters, including Cheryl Baker, Robin Cousins and Dave Berry have also recorded messages in support of the anniversary which will feature on Demelza’s social media platforms.

For further information on the celebrations or to make a donation, visit www.demelza.org.uk