Two thugs who planned to knock off a Sidcup hair salon got more than they bargained for after one staff member courageously chased them off before they got anything.

The men entered the Graham Webb hair salon in the high street and attempted to steal the till from the reception area.

However, according to the heroine of the story and employee Connie Rogers, they were unsuccessful in their attempts to grab the cash.

"They reached over the till and the computer but our reception is quite high up and the till is quite heavy," she explained.

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The 21-year-old hair stylist told News Shopper that on the day in question, February 22, it was only her and a junior member of staff who were working in the shop.

When her co-worker spotted both men in the act, she called to Connie, who was in the staff room at the time.

Connie came out and yelled at both suspects before they fled empty-handed.

However, after locking the front door, Connie wasn't keen on letting the men get away that easy.

"I went out to the back to see if they went down the alleyway but they didn't.

"When I came back, I went down the street after them and just shouted some things at them like 'you're just low-lifes' and 'do you think you're tough?'

"They just kept winding me up and saying things like 'sorry love'.

"I just walked away then because it wasn't worth it. Sure if they had pulled out a knife what could I do?" she said.

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Police were called soon after, with a spokesperson for the Met saying no arrests have been made and enquires are ongoing.

However, Connie said she has since spotted who she believes to be the two men driving past the shop, leaving the staff slightly on edge with the front door securely locked during the day.

"It just makes us think that they live in this area and what could happen next, " she said.