More than 35 areas across the borough of Bexley were affected by flooding during Tuesday's downpour, according to the council.

After photos and footage of the damage caused by heavy rain across Bexley, the council has assured residents it is taking action to fix problem areas and prevent this level of damage from affecting the borough again.

During the freak weather spell, Pembroke Road in Erith was pictured heavily flooded as a fire engine attended the scene.

According to the council, the extent of the water on the street came from a culvert (a water tunnel) underneath Pembroke Road.

Although the culvert itself is the property of Thames Water, the council has proposed to work with the water company, as well as the Environment Agency and Network Rail, to find a solution.

Flooding in Bronze Age Way in Belvedere, which closed the road, was put down to blockages in the Corinthian Dyke, which will be inspected by officers from the Environment Agency today.

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Bronze Age Way pictured on Tuesday. Photo: @n_s_martin on Twitter

Cllr Peter Craske, cabinet member for places, said: “Our sympathies go out to the households and businesses affected by the flooding in Pembroke Road and Sandcliffe Road yesterday.

"The torrential rain caused a number of floods across the borough and we worked alongside our partners as quickly as we could to try and ensure the safety of residents and road users.

"I’d like to thank our Council staff who responded quickly and effectively to these incidents.

"I hope that by getting all the parties involved in the issue at Pembroke Road and Bronze Age Way we can make sure this gets fixed as soon as possible to prevent another occurrence like this.”