UNIVERSITY researchers need help to discover if telephone telepathy really exists.

If you have ever known who the unexpected caller was before you picked up the phone, Dr Rupert Sheldrake and Professor Christopher French want to hear from you.

The pair are conducting the study at Goldsmiths University in New Cross, to discover if there is truth in what 80 per cent of adults believe they have experienced.

Dr Sheldrake, a biologist of 30 years, fully believes the phenomena exists.

He claims through telepathy, animals can predict earthquakes and mothers instinctively know when their babies need them.

Professor French, who is more sceptical, believes telephone telepathy is a psychological response.

The pair need volunteers of all ages and nationalities to take part in a two-hour test.

Volunteers will need four friends to take part in the research and all participants will be paid £10 each.

The test involves predicting which of the volunteer's four friends, picked randomly by one of the professor, will be the one to call.

Dr Sheldrake said: "I've done tests like this before.

"If it was down to chance, only 25 per cent of people would know who was calling.

"But usually 40 per cent know, which is above the level of chance.

"If we can prove it exists, we can take a scientific approach to look at why it happens, how it could benefit us and how we relate to each other."

He added: "I don't think it is paranormal; more a way of connecting with each other."

Professor French, 51, said: "I'm sceptical about this; it may be psychological.

"It is possible a person who has not been in touch calls because there has been a trigger like a television programme both people have seen which makes them think of each other and one makes the call.

"But I am open to what the research will show."

For more information, visit or email Mark Williams at to take part.

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