VISITORS to Bexleyheath's thriving night-time economy will find a new group of reassuring faces when they venture out.

Bexley has just launched a street pastors scheme which will see church volunteers out and about in the town centre regularly at night.

In high visibility uniforms, the volunteers are specially-trained to work with young people.

This is the latest initiative in the effort to reduce disorder in the town centre.

The idea has successfully been used in other town centres across the country where crime figures have dropped after their introduction.

The idea comes from the Ascension Trust, a cross-denominational Christian group working with Bexley Community Safety Partnership.

Bexley's street pastors co-ordinator John Baptiste said: "It is about time Christians came out of their buildings and reconnected with their communities in practical ways, to help make our towns and boroughs friendlier places, particularly late at night."

  • If you are interested in joining the street pastors, find out more by calling Mr Baptiste on 020 8303 6445.