Lord Sugar has already dispatched six candidates so far on the Apprentice but Sydenham’s Bianca Miller is still in it to win it.

The business owner, 25, is one of the remaining 14 candidates who will go to battle again tonight, this time selling coach tours.

Bianca was born in Croydon and went to Beulah Junior School in Thornton Heath before her family moved to Sydenham.

She went to Sydenham High School before heading off to the University of Sussex to study Business Management and Economics.

She runs a personal development business – The Be Group – in Croydon and lives in Sydenham with her fiancé Byron Cole in Sydenham.

Byron explained why Bianca was tempted to go on the BBC show where people compete for a £250,000 investment in their business from Lord Sugar.

Byron told News Shopper: “She has always had an entrepreneurial spirit. We all sit at home and shout at the TV and think ‘why do they do it like that’.”

It took three months to get through the application process and make the final 20 for the show, at which point she had to move out into the candidates’ house with the other contestants and was restricted from telling anyone but close family.

Byron said: “She’s used to her own space, she owns her own home, so I think she did find it challenging to start with. You are genuinely woken up at 6am with a camera in your face. That’s challenging for anybody.”

“She had some friends and some colleagues. Imagine being dumped into a house with people you haven’t met. But it’s not just one house or one flat mate, it’s 20. You kind of get to know each other but you’re also in a competitive environment.”

With the show still going on, Byron was unable to say how successful Bianca was on the programme but said the couple are enjoying watching her on screen.

He said: “Obviously you don’t know how it’s going to be edited so it is quite interesting to see.

“They have got days and days potentially of recording and it’s down to one hour.

“She’s seeing it for the first time and she doesn’t know a lot of information because she’s on other teams or things like that so we’re watching it as fans and enjoying it.

“We’re having friends round to watch it, which is great.

He added: “I’m really proud. First of all, just for making it. She’s coming across very well. The family are proud, we’re happy to see her on the show coming across well. There are some real idiots on there.

“We’re looking forward to what comes out of it as a result.”

Find out how Bianca gets on tonight from 9pm on BBC One.