A BEXLEYHEATH t-shirt fanatic is putting his passion to the test by pledging to wear a different top each day for the next year.

Andi Best, of Talehangers Close, will begin the challenge in January and is trying to collect 365 t-shirts in time to complete the task.

The 27-year-old told News Shopper: "I'm an avid t-shirt wearer and my friends often joke that I have enough t-shirts to last a lifetime and that I create a lot of laundry.

"In reality I own around 60, which is pretty excessive but certainly not a lifetime’s worth, so I felt wearing a year’s worth would be a decent compromise."

He added: "It's also about whether I have the will and ability to go through with it all and I also want to see if it's possible to source that many t-shirts."

Mr Best, a former Bexleyheath School pupil, has no budget for the challenge and is urging people to donate a t-shirt to him.

The web designer said: "Each donation will receive its own entry on my website, which is the incentive to get retailers, t-shirt designers and the community involved.

"And the best bit is, at the end of the project I will be passing all the donated t-shirts onto a yet-to-be nominated clothing charity."

Mr Best says some online retailers have been "overwhelmed" by the idea where as others have been "offended" by him asking for a free t-shirt.

He said: "Ultimately this is just a bit of fun.

"You can buy prints and posters and put them up on the wall and that's the end of it.

"But a t-shirt is like a billboard and can show who you are and even your interests.

"And who doesn't look good in a t-shirt?"

Donated t-shirts must be a man's size medium, clean and inoffensive.

To take part and track Mr Best's progress, visit andib.co.uk/36t5