Today has been dubbed Red Tuesday, said to be the top dumping day of the year just four days before Valentine’s Day.

A spokeswoman for dating website said the period between Christmas and February is always a popular time for people to spring clean their love lives, but there is a sharp increase in people breaking up with their partners on February 10.

A survey for the site has found 22 per cent of people admit to breaking up with someone the week before Valentine’s Day, with the majority of these (473 of the 660) saying they have made a clean break four days before the festival of love.

Dumping someone electronically is rising in popularity, with more than seven in 10 people breaking up with someone using their phone.

Top six ways people chose to dump their partners:

  1. By text
  2. By phone call
  3. In person
  4. Over Facebook
  5. By Whatsapp
  6. Over Twitter

Psychologist Lucy Redford said: “There are many different reasons people make such a drastic decision so close to Valentine’s Day.

“Some people realise how much they don’t love someone with the romanticism in the air; some buckle under the pressure of committing; others think they can probably do better if they’re not happy and because Valentine’s Day is a national celebration, it’s hard to ignore.

“For a lot of couples, February 14 brings them closer together and makes them realise how in love they are. For others, it’s a reminder of the cracks in their relationship.”

What’s the weirdest or worst break-up you’ve had with someone? Is there a way of dumping a partner which is better or nicer than others? Add your comments below.

If you’re looking for love this Valentine’s Day, don’t forget to check out our Two’s Company service.