THEY say actors should never work with animals or children. On paper, therefore, 3 Little Pigs is a recipe for theatrical disaster.

News Shopper: THEATRE REVIEW: 3 Little Pigs at The Albany, Deptford ****

Fortunately, The Albany’s alternative to panto, suitable for two to seven year olds, wisely employs the use of puppets instead of the real thing, thereby avoiding the inevitable mess and, er, hammy acting.

And apart from a couple of over excited toddlers storming the stage, most of the action is left to husband and wife puppeteers Laura Mugridge and Tom Frankland.

Directed by puppet maestro Marc Parrett, who has worked with the Bristol Old Vic, Aardman Animations and the RSC, the Stuff and Nonsense Theatre Company’s 50 minute show is heart warming and the puppets themselves are extremely loveable.

News Shopper: THEATRE REVIEW: 3 Little Pigs at The Albany, Deptford ****

With its jazzy soundtrack and old fashioned charm, it’s a show which, when the puppets aren’t mesmerising the children, will have the little ones hiding from the smooth talking wolf and helping the pigs build their house of bricks.

Unlike pantomime, there’s not a lot here to occupy the parents, but keeping the rug rats from talking about Santa for almost an hour is reason enough to pop along to see this delightful production.

3 little Pigs. The Albany, Douglas Way, Deptford. Performances until Christmas Eve. For tickets, call 020 8692 4446 or visit