LEISURE regulars will know the London Bubble Theatre Company could have its Arts Council funding cut next year, which may cause the group to stp after 35 years of performing.

Reasons given for the possible cuts include concerns over the artistic quality of the group's work.

But its inspired theatrical ideas in its Christmas production may help to quiet those concerns.

Its adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's first published fairy tale, The Tinderbox, follows AWOL soldier Tom (the wide-eyed and endearing Ashley J).

Adventures begin when he retrieves a magical box for a witch/nanny from three dogs living under a mysterious tree, abstractly represented here by a skyscraping 45-chair sculpture.

Here the fabulously-costumed dogs take on the humourous guises of a boxer, a dancing alsation with rhythm to spare and faithful companion Saucerdog.

And while dogs dance and light-stealing villainesses are foiled, The Bubble Band lays on some fab, folky musical accompaniment.

The booming cello signature and a zesty theme more than made up for the occasionally dragging pace of the action.

With its small cast and lack of elaborate sets, although the stage was expertly utilised, The Tinderbox has an utterly charming ramshackle quality.

It is one of many reasons to not let the Bubble burst.

The Tinderbox, The Albany, Deptford until Jan 5. 020 8692 4446.