So there’s this panda, right, called Po, and he’s, like, really, really lazy and loves martial arts and he works in this, like, noodle shop (insert own chop suey joke here).

Well, after the intervention of the fickle finger of cartoon fate, our tubby hero must become a kung fu master in order to save himself and everyone else who lives in the Valley of Peace from a villainous snow leopard, called Tai Lung.

News Shopper: Kung Fu Panda Nintendo Wii

With me so far? Good. So there you have it ... the premise for this Wii game is a kids’ cartoon's characters and martial arts and ... that’s about it.

The aim of the game is to smash, bash and crash your way to becoming a kung fu master and defeating the awfully nasty Tai Lung.

The objectives for each level are clearly stated and quite straightforward and there are plenty of yellow coins on offer to help upgrade our pudgy panda protagonist.

And yes, this is another Wii game which involves waving your nunchuks (how appropriate) about.

News Shopper: Kung Fu Panda Nintendo Wii

Is it fun? Yes, for a time, especially for children, or the Wiiones, as I like to call them.

Does it look good? No, but it looks OK.

Is it a crude movie tie-in, with limited effort gone into the gameplay, graphics and overall feel? Well, sort of. But, it is kind of fun and the kids I played it with were hooked for a couple of hours one rainy, cold, winter’s Saturday afternoon.

It ain’t a classic, but neither is it a complete no-hoper.

Although Kung Fu Panda’s hero is distinctly heavyweight, this game is, I’m afraid, definitely a middleweight contender.

Verdict: 6.5 out of 10