The nuns swore to help and protect others, but when Mortanna decides to give into evil its time to fight back.

Introducing Eva, Rosy, Olga and Mandy, four nuns who decide to take it upon themselves to pick up guns and fight the hordes of undead minions summoned by Mortanna.

The intro to the game covers the story quickly and is straight to the point.

The game was originally released on Android at the end of last year, and having ditched the free-to-play model and had adverts removed it has come to Vita.

News Shopper: Nun Attack

The game on Android was reported to have issues with crashing but this is not a problem on the Vita version of the game. In-game transactions have also been removed from the game.

This game is not a typical ‘nun’ and gun, with the game playing more like a simple strategy game than an action shooter.

Players take control of between one and four nuns. You gain access to all four nuns early in the game and can choose to keep all in your team or to bench any you don’t wish to use, although there is no real reason to do that unless you want a challenge, or are strategically allowing certain nuns to gain more experience.

Controlling your nuns is done via the touch screen, which allows for multiple nuns to be controlled at the same time, which may take some practice but certainly makes things easier if you master this early on. Simply choose a nun and drag to where you wish them to walk or point them at who you wish to attack.

More depth is added by the use of skills unique to each nun and the fact that each nun has different combat proficiency. Olga is the tank able to take more damage than the others, wields a shotgun and can taunt enemies while boosting her defence. Rosy is the sniper, with a stealth ability that doubles as a teleport. Eva is the middle ground, wielding dual pistols and able to create a double who is also able to attack. Lastly Mandy uses a heavy pistol and due to being a healer is the most integral part of your team.

The game consists of 40 missions, each with multiple battlegrounds inside them. It is possible to skip levels at certain points, but this will most likely leave you underpowered and missing valuable equipment.

There are a total of five guns for each of the nuns, and each gun has four levels of damage. Guns are unique to nuns so you can’t transfer them between each other.

Each nun has unique stats and can level up through gaining experience from defeating enemies.

News Shopper: Nun Attack

This version of the game is paced extremely well and I never found myself underpowered or needing to repeat levels. It would be possible to run into trouble if you upgraded guns you were not using, but this is the case in many games.

In addition to everything mentioned, there are also miracles that can be used. These are activated by picking the miracle skill then drawing a symbol on the screen using your finger.

Miracles and weapons can be found in golden chests in many levels, and miracles can also be unlocked by defeating certain bosses.

The miracle system is not essential, but certainly helps the player when in a tough situation. Miracle uses can be bought using gold collected from defeating enemies. Gold is simply collected by tapping the piles of treasure left behind by enemies, which strangely is not mentioned anywhere in the game’s instructions.

News Shopper: Nun Attack

The visual style of the game is eye-catching and characters have equal amounts of cute and menacing. The game moves along smoothly, with no visual issues or any signs of slowdown even when it gets hectic.

The game is easy to pick up and play for a few minutes here and there, and the whole thing can take a few hours to complete.

Multiple save files are available and the game does have trophy support.

The game is currently retailing at just £2, which seems to be a respectable price point considering the issues with the original Android version.

There were many complaints of the game being more grind-heavy in the original and about the in-game purchases. Considering with this version you know exactly what you are getting with no extra hidden fees, it’s a game that certainly is worth trying.

Nun Attack provides stylistic fun, simple gameplay and a currently unique gaming experience on the Vita for a low price,

Verdict: 8 out of 10