Social media occurred during the early 2000s, people reacted positively towards social media during that era of time because it was the newest platform available, spiking the population's interest. Its various platforms gave the ability for all people to connect with others with diverse or the same backgrounds as them, through texting and interactive videos and games. In 2021, over 4.26 billion people were using social media worldwide. Steadily, apps such as Instagram and Tik Tok have raised more of a following with these platforms introducing new activities to inspire and help all audiences to become creative and engage with the content being put out there.

Recently, social media has become a platform showcasing the representations of different types of people. All social media platforms are inclusive and form a community with people online. This is a success as it shows that society is changing, therefore social media is becoming likable for all people, reflecting the view of society. The accessibility of different media platforms has improved and changed people's lives for the better and not for the worse. Having multiple representations gives different perspectives and opinions to every topic, making consuming social media intriguing to all.

Many have benefitted from social media, by using the apps to pursue business ventures and be an inspiration to the younger generation of people. Rachel Ford, the owner of the nail room, based in Chatham, kent stated she tries to "influence young girls or boys to do nails and to never give up". She has demonstrated this by "showing how her nails and business have accelerated".As well as, "how much she has learned" and "sharing mistakes she has learned".

However, some argue social media currently is at its worse with the idea of things such as "cancel culture" and encouraged "aesthetics".Both of these topics have been expressed more frequently, through online debates and the repetition of trolls. Social media has its worse parts, as it is not reality, some people utilize it to spread hate about others and their emerging businesses. To some, there is not enough promotion of others' works on social media, but the celebration of bad moments or wronged people.

To conclude, social media has become a significant part of society. It has made communication and interaction global. Also, inspired others to share their talent with a wider platform. Although some social media grab attention from bad moments or situations, these do not always reflect the state of society. As a result, topics and debates raise awareness of things that are hidden and champion change instead of hate, in a fair manner.