A persistent thief who broke into a Hither Green café and stole their coffee machine has walked free from court. 

Nicola Pearce, 35, of Woodbank Road in Bromley, broke into Le Delice café on the morning of March 4 last year by smashing their glass door. 

She stole £100 of cash, a coffee grinder worth £800 and their WiFi router, a court heard. 

At the time of the break in Le Delice said on Facebook: "Very frustrating, we try very hard to make this place a happy place and some people decide to ruin it."

Pearce is a repeat offender who stole to feed her drug habit. 

On August 12 last year she stole £110 worth of petrol from Sainsbury’s in Lewisham

And on June 6 last year she stole number plates from a car in Bromley. 

At the time of this offending she was subject to a community order which had been made for stealing a phone from a car. 

News Shopper: Nicola Pearce pictured leaving courtNicola Pearce pictured leaving court (Image: NQ)But at a previous hearing Judge Joel Bennathan KC told Pearce that if she complied with probation and did not offend again he would give her a suspended sentence. 

On Friday (May 17) he followed through with this promise, giving her a four month and two week suspended sentence including 30 hours of unpaid work. 

Judge Bennathan said: “You know what your choice is. If you continue with your no doubt difficult struggle with addiction, you could have a positive life. If you go back to drugs, you will end up in prison.” 

On the issue of whether to make Pearce pay compensation to Le Delice café, he said: “I would very much like to award compensation to the café, but I do not think you have any means and any money you made will no doubt have been spent on drugs.”