I think it's an absolute disgrace that Scrambles has been given notice to close down.

The owners have spent money refurbishing and providing authentic uniforms, and Scrambles is the best cafe for miles around.

The way Mr James has been treated is totally unacceptable. I'd like to wish him good luck with English Heritage.

Mandy Cullen, Biggin Hill

It's about time this country remembered its past. Instead we insist on bulldozing it. I am deeply offended. If this was a church or a mosque there would be an outrage. To me this is a church and I feel insulted!

D Edwards, Northampton

What was the point of fighting two World Wars and sacrificing thousands of brave servicemen and women, to have our rightful heritage totally destroyed by the PC and Labour brigade.

It seems nobody has a sense of pride in England anymore, least of all the so-called Government who let Europe use us as a doormat, and will sell us off to the highest bidder at the drop of a hat.

Scrambles Cafe is another prime example of when this country was truly great and proud, but must fall victim to so-called progress.

This building, and many others like it, have witnessed many historical moments of this great country, and must be treated with the respect they deserve. Shame on those who think otherwise.

Graeme Harper, ex-pat, Fort Saskatchewan, Canada

I am the proud leaseholder of Scrambles Cafe and Heritage Centre and I would like to thank all those people who have written on behalf of the cafe.

The completed visiters book had over 800 names and nearly 200 personal letters were handed to Councillor Bloomfield objecting to this development.

The heritage of this country is being eroded away in places like Biggin Hill at the airport and there really is no need, We should celebrate and embrace our past history.

Also, surely there is plenty of room on the site of the airport for all of the businesses that have continually operated and financed Biggin Hill Airport Ltd for many years.

However, what I ask now is that we really look at why the airport are looking to develop the South Camp with such a large hotel? Perhaps there are plans for a schedule and charter service, which will be a real positive move for the area won't it?

Why on earth would anyone invest £5.5million in a hotel that is officially being built for conference facilities and 100 bedrooms in an area that doesn't even have a train station, that has a minimal bus service and no schedule or charter service for commuter planes?

Ask yourself if you would invest this kind of money without having some sort of prior knowledge?

Steve James, Biggin Hill

  • To read our full story on the threat to Scrambles Cafe, click here

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