Punish a Muslim Day - 3rd April 

Thousands of Muslims on this day will stay behind locked doors in their confined homes, praying for their safety, in fear of the 3rd of April dubbed ‘Punish a Muslim Day’, after an anonymous Islamophobist imposed a day principally for the ‘punishing’ of Muslims. Fliers were sent all over the U.K, mostly in the multicultural areas of the UK such as East London, calling for the abuse of Muslims.

The flier warns the white nations of Europe and North America of being over run by “those who would like nothing more than to do us harm and turn our democracies into Sharia led police states.” It calls for vicious violence as well as making impertinent comments on Muslims assuming them as a collective group of terrorists needed to be punished.

The letters state:

Punish a Muslim Day

3rd April 2018

They have hurt you, they have made your loved ones suffer. They have caused you pain and heartache. What are you going to do about it? Are you a ‘sheep’ like the vast majority of the population? Sheep follow orders and are easily led, they are allowing the white nations of Europe and North America to become over run by those who would like nothing more than to do us harm and turn our democracies into Sharia led police states. Only you can help turn this thing around, only you have the power. Do not be a sheep!

There will be rewards based on action taken. These are as follows:

10 points – Verbally abuse a Muslim

25 points – Pull the head scarf off a Muslim ‘woman’

50 points – Throw acid in face of a Muslim

100 points – Beat up a Muslim

250 points – Torture a Muslim using electrocution, skinning, use of a rack

500 points – Butcher a Muslim using gun, knife, vehicle or otherwise

1,000 points – Burn or bomb a mosque

2,500 points – Nuke Mecca

Many are outraged by the lack of action being taken on this hate crime and took to twitter to share their views.  Some questioning the reason for the sudden attack on Muslims, and others repulsively agreeing to the hate crime. 

Others such as Shahab Adris, from Leeds, decided to take action after being disgusted at the hateful letter. He took to Facebook to share his idea of ‘Love a Muslims Day’ in response to the hate-mail:

Love a Muslim Day

3rd April 2018

They have loved you. They have made you so many curries and kebabs. They have created so much love between people. How will you repay this? Are you like a ‘normal’ person like the vast majority of the population? Normal people usually are too shy to show any appreciation, and as a result they are allowing the majority of Europe and the rest of the world to become unappreciative of the fact that Muslims contribute billions of pounds to our countries, thousands of doctors heal the sick, thousands of teachers educate our children, and many more contribute to politics, the media, the judiciary and to our democracies (even though some don’t function as well as they should). Only you can show your appreciation, only you have the power. Don’t be a normal person. Be a special person. Show your love!

There will be rewards based on action taken. These are as follows:

10 points- Smile at a Muslim

25 points- Buy a Muslim a coffee with cake (from an independent cafe)

50 points- Throw flowers on a Muslim, lots of different colourful ones

100 points- Invite a Muslim to your home

250 points- Take a weekend trip with your Muslim colleagues

500 points- Fast in Ramadhan with a Muslim and celebrate Eid (its around the corner)

1000 points- Do a fundraiser for the needy, especially those suffering in Iraq, Libya, Kashmir, Yemen, Myanmar, Palestine and Syria

2500 points- Buy a Hajj package for a Muslim family - A lifetime trip to Mecca

Follow the likes of Shahab Adris and for 'Punish a Muslims Day', love them instead.

By Nazeerah Patel

Lister Community School