In today’s society, we, as a race, face and overcome many challenges that are thrown our way. On the whole, we work as one to solve it, but what about those problems that divide us into two; problems that prevent us from coming together; problems such as gender inequality. Gender inequality is one of the biggest modern day problems, and it has been a problem since very early on in our civilisation. Male privileges; lack of human rights for women and gender pay gaps are all examples of gender inequality. One year 10 student, who wished not to be named, studying at Newstead Wood School, has a special passion for the movement of feminists. She has decided to speak out about her views on gender inequality. Here are some of the questions that I used to interview her and how she answered them.

What aspect of Gender inequality infuriates you the most, and why?

“The thing that infuriates me the most is slut shaming. I mean why should boys be cheered on if they get around and girls are looked upon negatively if they do the same?”

How do you think we can overcome this problem today?

“Girls who shame other girls are also to blame. How can we expects equality between sexes if girls themselves are partly to blame for the predicament?”

Have you experienced any discrimination because of your gender?

“I luckily have not experienced any major gender inequality as far as I can remember. I wish that could be the case for the rest of my life, but the reality would probably be different.”

Do you think there is a reason for Gender inequality, if so, what is it and why do you think so?

“Religion is hugely to blame in my opinion. Girls have always been looked upon as the fairer sex and given domestic chores while men go out and do the ‘meaningful’ work. A lot of religions are also traditionally against values such as gay liberation which is ignorant and cruel.”

What do you plan on doing to contribute to help lessen gender inequality?

“Well, for one, never be negative towards another girl just because they have different values than I do. Marches for women’s rights are important too as the garner support for the cause and inspire others to speak out.”

Do you think there is any aspect of gender inequality that we can never get rid of, if so what is it?

“The ultimate dream would be that complete equality is reached, and I do think that that will be a reality. Even if men and women are equal, there will always be imbalance between different classes and races. In the 1920s, women won the right to vote in America, but by voting Trump in, I think, they are taking huge steps in the wrong direction that will cause major setbacks unfortunately.”

Swathi Nambiar – Newstead Wood School