As someone who has suffered from cancer, I am greatly concerned at people's misconception experimenting on animals is the way forward in research.

Animals and their organs behave very differently from the human animal and even humans vary tremendously in their reactions to drugs.

As an anti-vivisectionist, I believe we should stop these ridiculous experiments which, in fact, have never been actually proved to be helpful.

We should concentrate our efforts on research which is relevant.

These include the use of computer modelling, human cell culture and the closer observation of human patients and their histories.

At the same time, the air we breathe as well as the food we eat must be saved from chemicals which are known carcinogens.

Charities involved in this type of work, which are often overlooked by the media are Humane Research Trust, Dr Hadwen Trust, Quest and others which are listed by the National Anti-Vivisection Society.

Let's stop relying on an ancient practice which was started up before it was even understood animals feel pain.

Pat Mear, Ashburton Road, Croydon