Have you visited or used Swanley station recently?

Well you will be amazed.

Work is progressing on the lift shafts even though Swanley is no longer supporting the Paralympics as the closest station.

We lost out to Sevenoaks even though it is on average a 15 minute longer journey to Brands Hatch.

As a commuter, I was originally pleased to see the refurbishment posters go up in the station, as for years now we have been the "second class cousin" to Bromley South.

Unfortunately, once we lost out to Sevenoaks, the posters changed.

Long gone are the details explaining toilet refurbishments.

Toilets on both platforms at Swanley have been closed since October 2009.

Station staff even have to travel to St Mary Cray to use toilet facilities, leaving Swanley station unmanned at times and send passengers to Asda as the nearest facility.

All the other upgrades have stopped and only the basics are still going ahead.

In the meantime, workmen have been touching up the paintwork on the window frames and walls both on the staircases and on the concourse.

It’s a shame they aren’t repairing the frames or broken glass in the windows.

It amazes me that you can get just as wet inside the station as outside.

Pigeons are increasing in numbers and their faeces is the new graffiti on the platform floors.

And to finish on a really positive note, if you use Bromley South station, you are having a complete makeover, new lifts, toilet upgrades, new ticket office to name just a few, together with a fully manned and safe environment to travel from.

Allie Baker