LETTERS moaning about inheritance tax unnecessarily worry those who think they might face a large tax bill while doing little to explain how the tax works.

Not everyone pays inheritance tax on death - of around 600,000 deaths last year around 40,000 estates paid.

It only applies if the taxable value of your estate when you die is above £285,000, and then is only payable on the amount above this threshold.

Chris Pope's letter (Government Out Of Touch, News Shopper, September 13) claims "many on middle or low incomes will face huge inheritance tax bills".

How many on low incomes have property worth £285,000 or more?

There are numerous ways to avoid the tax, such as wedding gifts up to £5,000, gifts to charity, and £3,000 given away each year are all exempt. Why worry when many will never pay?


Fairfield Road
