IN RESPONSE to the letter from S Ellis (Take Your Dog Out For A Walk, News Shopper, August 23).

What a petty minded person you are. Do you not think at least these dogs have homes and are not abandoned or straying the streets?

Have a look on the website and see how many thousands of dogs need a home.

If people were to have latch door dogs you would moan about them roaming the streets.

At least in their gardens they are safe.

I believe you have a neighbour who leaves their dogs out and they bark all day, driving you mad.

If this is the case why not offer to take it out?

You obviously have time on your hands to sit and write such a pathetic letter.

Get a life and do something constructive.

I am sure you do things which annoy your neighbours but they are not as petty to write to the newspaper.

Visit Battersea Dogs Home, then you will see these dogs do have a good home.


Rydall Drive
