WELL done to Sheila Gunn, who has leafleted hospital staff who stopped her rubbish from getting picked up (Double Parking Is A Load Of Rubbish, News Shopper, August 16).

Since the hospital was re-developed in 2002, many residential roads have experienced similar problems due to inconsiderate staff parking, including my own.

It is no surprise the Princess Royal University Hospital continues to give weak statements to the effect "some staff park on streets surrounding the hospital" or "they are continuing to work with Transport for London".

In the meantime they happily make a profit by charging 24 hours per day for patients and visitors to park on site, introduce car parking charges for staff to encourage them to park elsewhere and ensure new key worker accommodation in Prudence Lane is restricted with double yellow lines.

There are 200 vehicles parked daily within a one-mile radius of the hospital, most of which cause road safety hazards for other drivers and pedestrians.

However the hospital prefers to concentrate efforts on making arbitrary policy decisions as part of the Trust's Green Travel Plan with little success and refuses to discuss what is really going on.

I hope every resident affected by inconsiderate parking writes to the hospital and councillors to demand changes.