READING Laura-Jane Filotrani (Shooting From The Lip, News Shopper, April 26) my first view was here she goes again, open mouth but forget to engage brain.

But on reflection if we extend her ideas about not providing healthcare to smokers, perhaps we could solve the NHS crisis.

Who else could we include? All those who engage in dangerous sports, or any sport or who go to the gym. Lots of injuries there require treatment.

People travelling in cars are exposing themselves to accidents.

What about walkers or joggers or anybody who leaves their house?

You never know what is around the corner.

If we apply these rules it will mean we all have to stay at home and watch TV, but we will end up obese, so we are off the list for care.

We could add women who have babies, as it is their decision after all.

This doesn't leave many people, if any, and I am sure we could come up with reasons for excluding them.

Hey presto! Billions of pounds saved on the NHS, Gordon Brown could cut taxes, and with the extra money in their pocket, everybody could buy private healthcare and enjoy the lifestyle they choose.

Well done LJ, problem solved.

Best of luck should you need treatment on the NHS, but don't be surprised if they exclude you.

