WE HAVE an eight-month-old kitten which disappeared on Easter Sunday.

Although we knocked on doors and put up flyers to try to find her we never heard anything.

We also have four rabbits which tend to dig a lot and the cat tends to follow suit so we checked the garden and our shed but could not find her anywhere.

The previous day she was in a hole and we could only just about see her head.

We moved her away from the hole and then filled it in.

However, the rabbits kept digging in the same place so we dug it up but there was no cat there.

Today my father-in-law was on the telephone in the garden when the person he was talking to could somehow hear a distant miaow in the background.

He started to dig up the ground and when my fiance came out he started digging as well.

They found a big fluffy tail and then a head.

Somehow we had filled in the hole with her in it or, like the rabbits, she had dug her own hole which was out of view.

She had survived for three whole nights in the hole.

It's a miracle. I think my cat is a star and it would be nice to tell our story to all those people who helped us look for her.

Also, for all those people who have, or may even lose a cat, it shows miracles can happen.

Julie Brice, Fernheath Way, Dartford