As chairman of the Arts Council Of Bexley and also as a governor of Bexley's Adult Education College, a large number of people have complained to me about the number of adult education classes which have been cut.

In addition people are not happy with the increased charges for adult education classes as well as the reduction of concessions for pensioners.

The Government and Bexley Council have been starving adult education of funds to put on classes this is a deplorable situation.

Both the council and the Government have been saying they are in favour of "life-long learning", but now it seems life-long learning will stop at 21.

How ironic Gordon Brown has been promising to put money into education in Africa and at the same time cutting funding for education in Britain.

As a governor of Bexley's Adult Education College, I know the college provides excellent classes.

I have visited many classes and seen this for myself. As somebody who has taken adult education classes in the past, I know the benefit and the pleasure they give.

Inspections show the college is one of the better colleges around the country but it cannot be expected to put on the full range of excellent courses at a reasonable price if it is not given adequate funding.

I feel very sad residents are not getting what they deserve and what they had previously.

John Davey Abbey Wood