I think Laura-Jane Filotrani's article on the new pill (Shooting From The Lip, April 5) does not take into account the following: 1. The "Christian fanatics" she refers to are actually people who look at the world not just from the point of view of what is convenient, such as removing pain, etc, but they also believe there is more to life than accepting anything which suits us there and then.

2. The expression "playing God" might have become a bit of a stereotype now, but I think what it means is we may feel entitled to change the natural order of life by taking instinctive decisions, disregarding the purpose for which our bodies were created.

This usually leads us to more trouble than there was in the first place.

Is the new pill going to lead to new forms of cancer? (No scaremongering intended.) 3. All those teenage girls who decide to use the new pill to stop their periods will have been put under pressure to do so by the media.

The fact they may be gambling with their health will hardly be raised as an issue.

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