WHY has there been no response to the article MP Votes Against Education Changes (News Shopper, March 22) in which Eltham MP Clive Efford gives his personal view as to why he voted against the Government's education Bill?

The Bill was seen by the vast majority of MPs as the best way to improve standards in our worst performing schools and to ensure every child fulfils their full educational potential.

There has been nothing from the parents.

Do they actually believe the spin coming from the town hall and think our schools are doing very well?

Or, which is more likely, have the years of educational failure in Greenwich made them so apathetic they no longer care?

There has been nothing from Greenwich Council which, over the the past decade, has seen our schools sink to the bottom of the educational league table.

Do they wish to see things stay as they are or would they like to see our schools grasp the opportunities provided by the Bill?

More surprisingly, there has been nothing from the opposing political parties.

Surely they have an opinion which differs from Mr Efford?

It would be helpful to the electorate if they let us know what it is.

The most important Bill to pass through this Parliament, one which effects our children's future, is surrounded by a wall of silence.


Yolande Gardens
