Through my letterbox this week popped a Conservative pamphlet aimed at getting them re-elected in the council elections. I read with interest looking for signs of liberalism and change as indicated by their new leader David Cameron.

Having studied the pamphlet I came to the conclusion that the local Liberal Democrats must have really upset the Conservatives in some way, as in the two centre pages they mention the Liberal Democrats some 11 times. What so upsets the Tories, I think, is the fact that the Liberal Democrats have consistently opposed the building of a Thames Bridge since 1985. This was when the Conservative Government originally proposed the East London River Crossing with a link road that ripped through the heart of Oxleas Wood.

The then Conservative controlled Bexley Council and the MP for Erith and Crayford, David Evennett, were enthusiastic supporters of the bridge. Their current campaign against this Labour proposed bridge, whilst somewhat welcome, is seen by many as cynical and opportunistic.

The Liberal Democrats brought to the current bridge inquiry an expert witness in the form of Richmond Park MP, London mayoral candidate, and former Transport for London board member Susan Kramer, to speak in support of the local residents and against the bridge.

It was decided that it was better to have one authoritative speaker address the inquiry, leaving more time for local residents to have their say, rather then parading a bunch of mediocre councillors each with nothing original to contribute.

In their pamphlet one ill-informed Conservative councillor, apparently not even aware of who she is, casts a slur in a style much more reminiscent of the BNP.

As reported in the News Shopper, Sir Cyril Townsend, former Conservative Member of Parliament for Bexleyheath, and the latest defector from the Tory party to the Liberal Democrats, said: "David Cameron was the author of Michael Howard's illiberal manifesto just last May. If he believed what he wrote then, how can he believe what he says now?"

Saying one thing and meaning another still seems to be the hallmark of the Conservative Party so having read their irrelevant little pamphlet I'm content in my belief that the Conservatives may be hungry for power in Bexley but in no way deserve it.

Christopher Eady, chairman, Bexley Borough Liberal Democrats