SINCE Nigel Beard is no longer an MP, I hoped we might have a rest from agitation to come in line with Europe regarding our clock settings.

I am surprised News Shopper has resurrected this waste of time' again so soon.

You claim the readers' views expressed in their letters are not the views of the News Shopper.

However those published pro your campaign are given a ratio of eight to one in space to those against. Is this truly a reflection of the letters?

The results of a MORI poll quoted in The Londoner claiming a majority in favour of a change was grossly unworthy of the opinion poll industry.

Not only were the areas in which it was taken unrepresentative of the country as a whole, those voting were little more than 0.01 per cent of those areas.

Moreover, the opinions of people in the Metropolis cannot also be assumed to be those in rural areas. The result was a nonsense.

How many of your correspondents experienced double summer time' during the Second World War when it was light until nearly midnight?

It caused problems with getting children to sleep and with adults getting their proper rest.

I believe the assumed reduction in accidents is illusory, moving them from one part of the day to another.

For instance, the darker winter mornings would allow less time for the gritters to do their jobs ahead of the traffic starting and also make it longer before the sun's rising creates a breeze to help clear the fog. This is surely a recipe for more, not less accidents.

On balance, I have no doubt a change is not only illogical but, at the very most, of negative advantage.


Coniston Road
