LAST week's News Shopper letters page about daylight hours, left me with a smile on my face because it is a traditional way of shining brightness, like discussing the weather.

I am, however, concerned about our rights to continue these subjects before some minority group complains about this offending them on religious or racial grounds.

As an active trade unionist I took part in activities to better the lot of manual workers; fighting for a shorter working week, sick pay and respect from non-manual workers to appreciate their better conditions were paid for by low-paid manual workers.

All trade union actions were based upon a democratic vote, which is part of British life lost due to the modern system of putting the rights of the minority to make the rules to govern our country.

This is not democracy. It is totalitarianism. We should, as British people, have a democratic right to return to rule for the majority, the other system is not democratic or British.

Kingsdale Road