NO MORE ORDERS: Who are they to tell us to ban Christmas? Who are they that come into our country, claim all and then run us down? Who are they to dictate what we can and cannot do? Wake up Britain. It is about time you thought of your own people instead of bending over backwards to please all and sundry.

Name and address supplied

WRONG DECISION: I agree with L Williams' letter We Don't Want This Cult In Our Cinema (News Shopper, November 2) regarding the church replacing the cinema in Catford. People consider the cinema to be needed here. The Government had no right to override objections to the church.

Pat Davis, Catford

TOO EARLY: Do we really have to put up with Father Christmas arriving on November 6? Every year it's earlier and earlier. The children went back to school in September and we had mince pies and cards in the big stores. Christmas has lost its meaning now. Are we going to have Easter Eggs on Boxing Day?

Mrs Pemberton
Address Supplied