HOW prophetic Tim Fox's views were in his recent star letter Too Many Children Left To Roam About (News Shopper, October 26).

I hate the way Hallowe'en has been hijacked by the American import of trick or treating.

Why should I have to tolerate a procession of strangers at my front door and the ensuing extortion?

However, I thought putting your poster in the window might have an adverse effect by marking our house out as a target.

I thought I would just sit it out and ignore the knocks at the front door.

This obviously went down badly with one group of oversized teenage trick or treaters working our road, as I heard a loud crash against my front room window, which turned out to be an egg which had been thrown.

Had I been of a nervous disposition, this could have been really upsetting. As it was, I was more angry than frightened.

This behaviour is not funny. I think it is time parents outlawed this whole trick or treat thing.

Roberta Woods
Address supplied