What Councillor Adrian Marshall seems to conveniently forget (Continue Fight For Green Belt, October 5) is there is an urgent need to provide homes for the residents of the borough.

No doubt Cllr Marshall has a nice house and no particular housing problems but what about the children of residents who have to move away or those who work in the borough but cannot afford to live here?

From the report I have seen, the Government Inspector found Bromley was already more than 1,000 homes short in meeting its housing needs and this will rise, unless something is done, to more than 2,000 homes.

This problem has not been caused by Mr Prescott or greedy developers, it has been caused by the stick you head in the sand' attitude of people like Cllr Marshall.

These homes are going to have to be found. All the people I have spoken to would rather this was done by using some of the vacant land in Bromley, whether it is green belt or not, rather than having more houses packed into our already congested areas.

I find it astonishing Cllr Marshall seems to blame everybody else except himself and his colleagues for this problem.

It seems to me the threat to democracy in the area actually comes from Cllr Marshall's abdication of his responsibilities to enable houses to be built for the residents of the borough.

He certainly does not speak for me in promoting his irresponsible stance.

Lynda O'Grady Green Street Green