In reply to J Reeves' letter What Were You Thinking To Print Rubbish? (News Shopper, June 1), it seems he, or indeed she, could not make up their mind who to turn their wrath upon first.

Myself, for having written it, or the editor of the paper for having published it and awarded it that week's star letter? Methinks J Reeves protesteth too much.

Perhaps something by way of explanation is required before they self-combust with all that righteous indignation.

I had a strong suspicion Mr Goldberg's original letter was a work of fiction.

What better way to reply then but with another work of fiction!

I applied my foot to the foot pump, on the end of which was a Goldberg-shaped balloon, which I inflated to bursting point to create the sort of preposterous character only rarely seen outside the pages of an airport novel.

To then write the piece in the persona of this character was but a simple matter.

J C Pike Ruskin Walk Bromley