PEOPLE who believe identity cards are just a means of carrying around a few personal details should think again.

Behind the card, a massive computer system is proposed which will carry extensive information on every citizen. A whole range of officials will be able to demand your card and view your details.

You may be able to check the information held on you at some cost but this will exclude security information which could be of dubious validity and be affecting your life.

Most people will think this won't affect them but what if some youthful indiscretion or belonging to a trade union or political party was seen as suspicious by the unaccountable spooks who advise our politicians? You may never know why you failed to get the job you were well qualified or, worse, why you were hauled off to be locked up without charge or being told what you were accused of.

Think it couldn't happen? Well, it already has.

People may believe the propaganda identity cards will only affect benefit cheats, illegal immigrants and terrorists but this is doubtful as any card could be counterfeited.

The real effect will be on the law-abiding citizen who will have their privacy invaded, be subject to challenge for no good reason to produce their card and will have to pay the billions of pounds wasted on the scheme.

RON KIPPS Chirstchurch Road Dartford