NO RELIGION: I was interested in your debate on religion, Do People Need To Be Religious (News Shopper, October 27).

The problem with religion is hinted at by Rupert Smythe when he refers to violence by some religious groups. Religion has always caused war, from the Muslim Jihads of the Seventh Century through the crusades and into the 30 years war. In modern times the conflicts in Northern Ireland, Palestine and Bosnia, all involved religion. Due to religion's propensity to lead to war and terrorism, I am proud to be an atheist.
M Hurstfield, Address supplied

GEARING UP: I was interested to read the mayor believes his council's kerbside recycling "has just moved into top gear" (News Shopper, October 27). He is presumably referring to the fact Lewisham will now collect glass bottles and metal cans as well as paper and card, in householders' green boxes. This extra service is very welcome but still falls short of that provided by neighbouring Bromley and Greenwich Councils. Maybe you can claim to be in third gear, Mr Bullock, but you still have some way to go to reach top gear.
Janet Hurst, Downham

RELIGION IS ALIVE: "Stuffy church service, stolid hymns and airy phrases" (News Shopper, October 27) can only be the widely inaccurate comments of one who has not been to church recently. Rachel Bradman wants to pop along to Bromley Christian Centre and see exactly what is on offer to 21st-century believers. Fantastic, lively worship, welcoming people, a tantalising cafe and always an inspiring, relevant service. I certainly do not "need to be religious", I simply can't not worship a very real, living God.
Maxine Littlechild, Address supplied

IS RELIGION RIGHT?: I can't agree more with Rupert Smythe (News Shopper, October 27). He says "religion ... is not helped by the uncompromising fanatics among numerous religious groups professing violence and bad will to others". And yet the Government compels it to be taught in schools!
Denis Cobell, Lewisham Humanists