We have a Labour Government which wants us all to get fit. They think it so important they have made swimming part of the national curriculum, like maths and English.

Our Labour mayor promised there would always be a swimming pool in the centre of Lewisham as long as he was mayor yet now he wants to close Ladywell in 2007 and not replace it until 2010. Does this mean that he intends to resign in 2007?

Where will the children go to swim? Has he considered the social consequences of youngsters with nothing to do and nowhere to go, not to mention the many elderly people who use the pool to help them stay mobile?

He tells us it is the only place to build a new school. How fortunate the police did not build their new station there? We would have to pull it down again.

My grandchildren have fewer facilities than I had as a child. Somewhere out there is an Olympic champion of the future but at this rate they won't have a chance.

Yvonne Rundle