I am one of the very rare breed of people who prefer not to own or watch a TV.

However, after a seven-year barrage of threatening letters and payment demands from TV Licensing, on a monthly basis, in both my own name and that of the present occupier, I have just received an official warning from the London south east enforcement division.

The reason for this rather alarming development is they still have no record of a TV licence at my address, for which there are three very good reasons: l I have no TV.

l They have no legal right to the information.

I have been waiting to meet an enforcement officer, who has left numerous calling cards over the years Sensibly for them they never call when I am in.

TV Licensing even had the audacity to send registered letters, for which I had to make a special visit to the post office, causing me personal humiliation as the men behind the counter thought I was an evader.

I feel my privacy, liberty and choice not to have a TV have been devalued by an intrusive, aggressive and dictatorial organisation that should have no grounds to persistently insult and intimidate innocent members of the public.

Mr N Coe Edward Road Penge