For the past two years I have been walking my child to school along Farnborough Hill past the Metro bus garage.

During those two years I have been writing and phoning the council and police asking them to do something about the persistent parking of employees and metro mini buses on the pavement.

The situation has been made worse by the building site adjacent to the garage where builders' vans and cars are parked on the pavement.

This road only has a pavement on one side and has double yellow lines.

Several people pass this way with children in pushchairs and are forced to walk in the road. The authorities appear to have done nothing about this situation.

Yesterday, there were six cars and vans parked on the pavement making it impossible for pedestrians to use the pavements.

Last week was Walk to School Week at my child's school.

What a shame children cannot walk to school safely because of these lazy, inconsiderate people.

I find it so annoying, if I was parked in Bromley on a meter and had gone over my time by a minute, I would get a parking fine, but these people can park dangerously and nothing gets done.

Name and address supplied