I WRITE regardng Fathers Just Want Chance To Be Dads (News Shopper, October 20).

Let's hope all these fathers are as devoted to looking after their children financially as well as taking their access rights so seriously.

I am a mother who is divorced and know of many mothers in the same position as me who allow their children to see their fathers but get no help with the financial responsibility.

I am not speaking about men who are unemployed but men who earn in excess of £50,000 who refuse to pay maintenance.

For two years after divorcing I asked my ex-husband to contribute £60 a week. I did not receive a penny, eventually I had to contact the CSA who have on occasion managed to secure payment through an attachment to earnings.

Being a father is not just about contact.

The child needs financial security in this material world.

My sons are older now and are horrified when they see these so called desperate fathers. The children will not appreciate it when they realise what fools their fathers make of themselves.

These fathers are looking for attention and embarrassing their children.

My children's so-called devoted father, during our last court case, asked the court if I could take the children to him and he would bring them back to me after his weekend access as he did not see why he should pay for the petrol back and forth.

We live 15 minutes apart.

Amazingly the court agreed with him even though he was not helping to support the children financially.

If a father is not willing to provide emotional and financial support as well as being a good role model, then leave the children alone.

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