there can be no doubt the people responsible for making decisions in our council are incapable of forward planning.

The residents of Barnehurst made it perfectly clear they did not want their library closed but the council decided otherwise.

Now, to rub our noses in it, it has been declared the Bexleyheath Library will close for refurbishment.

If it really was necessary to close the Barnehurst Library, surely this could have been delayed until the Bexleyheath Library was completed.

The cost of removing books and computers, which probably were rehoused mostly in the Bexleyheath library, would have been saved and all the facilities at the Barnehurst library would still be available.

The closure of the Barnehurst Library was a very sensitive matter which enraged many of the residents.

This council, through its uncaring attitude of the residents' wishes and inability to plan for the future, surely must be a matter of concern to all residents.

If it wasn't so frightening, it would be funny.

Pauline Ewart Bexleyheath